Thursday 20 September 2012

Family Life Cycle & Socio Economic Classification.

First lets understand what FLC is, here's the definition, courtesy AMA-

1. (consumer behavior definition) A sociological concept that describes changes in families across time. Emphasis is placed on the effects of marriage, divorce, births, and deaths on families and the changes in income and consumption through various family stages. 2. (consumer behavior definition) Families account for a very large percentage of all consumer expenditures. Much of this spending is systematic and stems from natural needs that change as a family unit goes through its natural stages of life. These range from the young single and the newly married stages to the full nest as the children are born and grow, to the empty nest and the final solitary survivor stage. Each transition prompts changes in values and behavior.

FLC for Carlsberg would be- The TG is Unmarried Working Professionals (Age Bracket of 25-35)
In the FLC they are the new couples, some couples with young children, the Teenagers(althought legally not allowed) are also a part of the FLC.

And the SEC
Only the A1 and A2 classification of people apply to Carlsbergs premium brands( IncludingTuborg)

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