Wednesday 19 September 2012

Customer Behaviour (Add more)
- 4P’s:
Three product have been launched in India
Carlsberg, Okocim Palone and Tuborg.
Different variants have different price,
All the metros and major cities especially north and west India.
Targeting the youth with their mild section, have a variant for strong section, freesample, social networking.
-Environmental Stimulus-  Alcohol culturally has a negative image and is not acceptable. There are a lot of issues revolving around the age limit as well. Government is always trying to cut down consumption. Not allowed to advertise as well
-Decision Process (Explained in the consumer buying process post)
-Characteristics- The Carlsberg drinkers are more of  the up market youth , and the working professionals. A lot of the middle aged also drink Carlsberg. It gives them a status symbol, when going out in public. Many also like the taste of it
-Buyers Response- The timing  of purchase is mostly at occasions like social events, concerts, shows, etc.

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